
We often get concerns about athletes “overtraining” when they begin to workout at school or when their season starts. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that teens should not exceed 20 hours a week including strength training and practicing before beginning to feel burned out or overtrained. When we start to break down an athlete’s week many do not come close to that number and depending on the sport the task at hand is not very demanding physically or mentally. Take hitting off the tee or throwing plyos (for position not intent) for example. Most high school athletes off-season look something like this: School Workouts 3 -5 days per week for an hour (3-5 hours total) Skill Specific work 3-5 days per week for an hour (3-5 hours total)  That puts most athletes at a total training time anywhere from 6 to 10 hours per week and some not even...
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“It don’t matter how hard you throw if you can’t throw strikes!” Raise your hand if you’ve heard this? Your hand is above your head if you’ve ever spent a considerable amount of time around a baseball field.  It’s an age old saying that has been holding back the development of amateur pitchers for years.  My response to this question would simply be “what if I can do both?”  Command and velocity are not antonyms, and they definitely do not have to be enemies. Why are they so often used as such?  One major reason? Because of a community of parents and coaches acting like a 14U travel ball tournament game is game 7 of the World Series. But thats a point for another day, the point here is to prove that an athlete can strive to possess both elite stuff and elite command. Elite command is the result of muscle...
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Kettle bell set at top rated gym near me
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